Seeing your child struggle with anger can be challenging for any parent. Tantrums, outbursts, and aggressive behaviours can disrupt family life and cause concern. But it's important to remember that anger is a normal emotion, and children are still learning how to express it in healthy ways.
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When a man regularly uses porn, visits sex workers or has one of more affairs and he becomes ever more...

When someone uses porn, visits sex workers or has affairs and their partner discovers this - a powerful and destructive...

“I have been caught using porn by my partner. What do I say? How do I respond to her distress...

In Singapore's tech-savvy landscape, gaming is a popular pastime for teenagers. While gaming can offer entertainment and social connection, excessive...

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. While...

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how people perceive and interact with the world. It's characterised...